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Donate To India From USA For Elderly People

Donate To India From USA For Elderly People

Seruds INC based in the USA strives hard to collect contributions and help elders back in India. When you donate to India from the USA for old age homes and homeless elders, Seruds help them with food, shelter, groceries, medicines, etc. 

The situation of elderly people (concerning growing urbanization) has been visibly deteriorating and that has increased the number of Old Age Homes in India. Seruds INC has partnered with more than 5x NGOs than before, just to facilitate the requirements of elderly people to find home. 

Donations received for Old age Homes are in different categories. Let us explain it in the next segment of this article. 

Types of Donations For Old Age Homes:

Money is not the only type of donation that we receive. Thanks to big-hearted donors in the USA or any other country, the generous people keeps sending us everything that elders are direly in need of. They are as follows: 

Donation of Clothes For Elderly:

Charity of old clothes is something that we have already mentioned in past articles other site. We all have closet filled with clothes that we don’t use and eventually it reaches the sorry state that it cant be donated as well. This is where we urge people to donate clothes to poor and the campaign goes really well where we receive clothes donations for elders from USA. 

Donations for Medical Bills Of Elderly:

For people staying in Old Age homes, health is always a concern but more than that, the concerning factor is the medical bills. Imagine someone refusing to go to the doctor even if they need it because they don’t wanna cause an expense for the old age home… we have such situations every other day. Thanks to the donations that comes like a savior and we try to meet the medical bills of all the people in our home. Explore our health cause to know more.

Food Donation for Elders From USA: 

Well, obviously food cannot be donated from USA to India but we have received a lot of donations for food drives we conduct. Hunger unites everyone… even people across boundaries and a big thanks to everyone who donated to our elderly people for food from USA. 

Our campaign on Global Giving has garnered a great response from USA donors. Every meal they eat is resetting the clock and surviving else they could starve to death… harsh truth. 

Check our food donation campaign on GlobalGiving.

New Campaigns for SERUDS INC also launched the donations as we write this are zero, Click here to become the first donor.

General Donation For Old Age Home: 

The most popular category of donation is where we refer to their daily needs of toiletries, shelter repair, blankets or sweaters during seasons. We distribute groceries among the abandoned elders also, these are not the people who stays with us, but they have been left in their small huts by their family members and all they need is basic groceries.

BTW monthly grocery kit is equivalent to 1 popcorn price sold in USA. 

We have mentioned a lot more details on the SERUDS INC website about elderly homes, click here. Also, note that all US donations are confined to tax benefits of 501(c)(3)

Feel free to write us on social media and we’ll be happy to answer your queries. Thanks.

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